WE ARE THE HEALTHTRIBE: A new kind of global health communications network
“This is a new global healthcare network specifically built for the new reality of the agency world we operate in”, said Lee Williams, Founding Partner of NAKEDHEALTH – the agency that has established this new global network.
WE ARE THE HEALTHTRIBE is a truly global array of over 12 different companies (and growing) based in the UK, Netherlands, US, Brazil and The Baltics. Unlike the traditional global geographically-based agency network, WE ARE THE HEALTHTRIBE is a skills-based network. Every tribe member has a specific and non-competing discipline that contributes to the overall tribal offering.
“Having sat client side globally for many years, and coming from a large global agency network, I was entrenched in the global network mantra. However, the reality is that our clients do not need offices in every country and the obligatory, expensive pins in a large map!” said Raj Jangra, Founding Partner at NAKEDHEALTH “And this is one of the reasons we developed WE ARE THE HEALTHTRIBE”.
“I ran some large global health networks for WPP and Publicis, so I know the ‘global network story’ very well”, Max Jackson, Founding Partner of NAKEDHEALTH, added. “However, the world has changed dramatically in recent years and agencies need to adapt. We all know that the strategic and creative components of any global campaign can be easily steered by ONE globally-experienced agency. So, we have based WE ARE THE HEALTHTRIBE on this fact – then instead of offering our clients what are essentially competing offices in different countries, we offer a series of truly valuable services that can be built around the core offering. In other words, a global network of skills that can be shaped and adapted, specifically to the client’s changing needs.”
WE ARE THE HEALTHTRIBE consists of like-minded and independently-owned Partners covering the following global disciplines:
- NAKEDHEALTH: Global brand and medical strategy, creative and communications
- Brainsell: Global market research
- Stormgarden: Film, animation and motion graphics
- MSH Solutions: Pharma industry strategic counsel
- Competitive edge: Digital production studio built specifically for healthcare comms
- EXPLODE SOCIAL MEDIA: Global social media and influencer marketing
- HighPoint Experience: US brand strategy, creative and communications
- PAPARICO: Digital marketing and web design powered by AI
- Castelli & co: Production – film and photography
- Terminal 4 Communications: Scientific and medical regulatory content for Rx and devices
- SPARK Healthcare: US/global patient and HCP insight driven tools and services
- Redblu: Global congress exhibition booth design and build
“We will all work to our philosophy of Skills Not Layers” said Eric Berkeley, who previously ran the largest global healthcare network for Omnicom. “We will do great work at a great price with a great deal of experience”
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Contact: Skills@health-tribe.com
Website: health-tribe.com
NAKED VOICE: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nkd-voice/